SquareHit Tennis: Tennis Elbow Pain Relief + Tennis Training for Tennis Strokes and Tennis Serves SquareHit Golf: Tennis Elbow Pain Relief + Tennis Training for Tennis Strokes and Tennis Serves Instructions  |  Brad Gilbert  Dr. Rod Hentz, MD  |  Contact Us

VictoryBand: Tennis Elbow Pain Relief

Originally Engineered for Tennis Elbow Pain Relief, the VictoryBand has shown itself to help with many different kinds of elbow pain relief. This is because the factors that aid in Tennis Elbow Pain Relief are similar in many different kinds of Elbow Pain Relief. Keep Playing, Typing,Golfing and more with the VictoryBand!


The Victory Band was designed by SquareHit Tennis to help players “stay in the game.” We engineered the Victory Band for tennis elbow pain relief using the latest computer modeling and biomechanical principles to dampen the pressure on the injured muscle and tendon group and comfortably reduce forearm pain.

Lean on the VictoryBand for Tennis Elbow Pain Relief
Rod Hentz explains the Tenis Elbow Pain Relief of the VictoryBand
Tennis Elbow Pain Relief... Buy Now
SquareHit Tennis: Tennis Elbow Pain Relief + Tennis Training for Tennis Strokes and Tennis Serves